How Your Thyroid Responds To Stress

Dr. Ashley Margeson

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One of the first things that gets tested when we feel tired, off, anxious, overwhelmed or feel like our hormones are out of balance we always like to look at the thyroid.
When it comes to the thyroid, we use your thyroid as a canary in the coal mine when it comes to your hormones.
Because your thyroid responds to the environment in your body.
Today’s episode is all about your thyroid. How you should be testing for it, what an optimal range should look like and why your thyroid can change in response to stress.
Enjoy Superwoman!
Todays episode is sponsored by the Nova Scotia Government. Today I’m asking you, as part of our team of 971,000, to work to slow the spread of COVID-19. Online self-assessments are available HERE. PCR testing is also available if you have no symptoms. As my 7 year old says, teamwork makes the dream work. Let’s do this.
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