Cancer Tried To Beat Me Three Times, It Didn’t with Tanya Salituro, Founder of CanPrev

Dr. Ashley Margeson

When Tanya Salituro faced Cancer for the last time, it was like she had come full circle… for the third time.
This mom of four and founder of CanPrev (one of Canada’s leading Nutraceutical companies) had been here before. In fact, she had been here twice before. Knowing that something was off, something wasn’t quite right and something had to change.
Today Tanya is sharing her story and we got the chance to dive into how purpose drives us, what it means to trust our bodies and how we can “tune in” to our bodies.
Tuning In is something Tanya is passionate about, both in a literal and figurative sense. I have never felt so listened to during a podcast (and I’m the one asking questions!) and I took away some amazing points about how we can learn to tune into our own needs, and wants.
I can’t wait to hear what you think, Superwomen.
This episode is also the third of our Building A Superwoman Miniseries, sponsored by CanPrev Women. If you’ve ever been to the office, you might recognize their sister company, Cytomatrix. This company is founded and run by an amazing woman, and is Canadian born and Canadian based. They also make great products, with proper dosing, and no BS. I’m thrilled they are helping The Superwoman Code bring the education to women to help you all make your health work for you, not against you.
To discover more, use the code SUPERWOMAN10 to get 10$ off your first order of 40$ or more at (ain’t that cool!)