Are Your PMS Symptoms Normal?

by | Feb 25, 2018 | Hormones, Women's Health | 0 comments

PMS. Pre-menstrual cycle. Irritability. Crying. Mood Swings. Bloating. Headaches. Losing your motivation. And sometimes just feeling “blah”. It’s easy to blame things on PMS, but have you ever wondered if what you’re feeling is actually your hormones? Or something else at play.

Before you go and try something that you read about on Cosmo (sorry Cosmo) check out the quiz below to understand YOUR PMS subtype, and (most-importantly) – what you can do about it!

NOTE: most people have a little bit of all types going on. Check the box on what you feel and notice MOST often!

Are Your PMS Symptoms Normal?

Did you know there are four distinct subgroups of PMS? Whenever I'm discussing hormones, I use this as a guide to help understand where your hormones are at, and how your body is compensating. Now, the one thing I do know is that we all rarely fit into just one group, but by using this result as a guideline, and then by integrating biochemistry and regenerative medicine into our one-on-one sessions my patients start to feel relief. Magic!

I generally start to feel
I notice in my body
I also notice
It really bugs me because I
Complete the form below to see results

Check your email in the next 10 minutes for your results; but in the meantime check out what you can do below!

To balance out your hormones you want to look at something like chaste tree, which will balance both estrogen and progesterone. Magnesium can be helpful for offsetting some of those tight muscles; so curl up with a book in a epsom salt bath to nurse that achiness. Plus, it will be great for easing those mood swings.

Gymnema is an amazing herb because it helps decrease sugar and carbohydrate cravings in a pinch. But for a long-term fix you actually want to support your cortisol levels, as high cortisol (hello stress and busy lives) makes us crave those sugars.

My favourite flower is also known for its ability to increase progesterone levels and balance androgens. Peonies aren’t just beautiful, they’re medically very unique for this ability. IV Nutrition Therapy will help give you a much needed energy boost and lavender can also help support your mood.

Fennel and dandelion root will help with that fluid retention, as well decreasing your consumption of added-salt foods during that time frame. Food has a lot to do with supporting your body fluids during this time so make sure you also up your consumption of magnesium-supporting foods.

Do you suffer from PMS? Which type of PMS do you have? What steps can you take now, using some of the tips in this post, to reduce your symptoms?

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